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 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 
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Z Z;z [ゼット;ゼッド]
/(n) Z/z/EntL2594230/
Z composed of Y からなる
/(exp) (for the pattern Y からなる Z) Y adding up to Z/Y making up Z/Y constituting Z/Z consisting of Y/Z composed of Y/Z containing Y/EntL2258810X/
Z consisting of Y からなる
/(exp) (for the pattern Y からなる Z) Y adding up to Z/Y making up Z/Y constituting Z/Z consisting of Y/Z composed of Y/Z containing Y/EntL2258810X/
Z containing Y からなる
/(exp) (for the pattern Y からなる Z) Y adding up to Z/Y making up Z/Y constituting Z/Z consisting of Y/Z composed of Y/Z containing Y/EntL2258810X/
Z80 ゼットハチマル
/(n) {comp} Z80/EntL2305910X/
Z;z [ゼット;ゼッド] /(n) Z/z/EntL2594230/
/(n) {comp} ZAURUS/EntL2299610X/
ZIP code ジップコード
/(n) ZIP code/(US) postal code/EntL1064750X/
ZIPJIS ジップジス
/(n) {comp} ZIPJIS/EntL2302260X/
ZMODEM ゼットモデム
/(n) {comp} ZMODEM/EntL2305930X/
ZV PORT ゼットブイポート
/(n) {comp} ZV PORT/EntL2305920X/
Zaire ザイール
/(n) (1) Zaire (now Democratic Republic of the Congo)/(2) zaire (currency of the Democratic Republic of the Congo)/(P)/EntL1058930X/
Zambia ザンビア
/(n,adj-no) Zambia/(P)/EntL1059050X/
Zanclidae ツノダシ科 [ツノダシか]
/(n) Zanclidae (family of perciform fish whose sole member is the moorish idol)/EntL2560120/
Zanclus ツノダシ属 [ツノダシぞく]
/(n) Zanclus (sole genus of the family Zanclidae containing the moorish idol as its sole extant species)/EntL2560110/
Zantedcschia aethiopica 海芋 [かいう]
/(n) (See カラー) calla/Zantedcschia aethiopica/EntL1772660X/
Zanzibar butterflyfish ザンジバルバタフライフィッシュ
/(n) Zanzibar butterflyfish (Chaetodon zanzibarensis)/EntL2544430/
Zebrasoma ゼブラソマ属 [ゼブラソマぞく]
/(n) (See ヒレナガハギ属・ヒレナガハギぞく) Zebrasoma (genus of 7 species of marine tang in the family Acanthuridae with pointed snouts and forward facing spines at the base of the tail)/EntL2557580/
ヒレナガハギ属 [ヒレナガハギぞく]
/(n) Zebrasoma (genus of 7 species of marine tang in the family Acanthuridae with pointed snouts and forward facing spines at the base of the tail)/EntL2557570/
Zechariah ゼカリヤ書 [ゼカリヤしょ]
/(n) Zechariah (book of the Bible)/EntL2204250X/
Zeeman effect ゼーマン効果 [ゼーマンこうか]
/(n) Zeeman effect/EntL2477140/
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