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sculptures - 2,623 cases (among which 126 cases are national treasures) 彫刻-2,623件(うち国宝126件)
se + i 為+い (せい)
sea cucumber's guts - ナマコの内臓
secondly, they took control of farmers and peasants with "shumon aratame" (originally, an inquisition for suppressing Christianity, but later, it became like a general research on residents), and took religious policies as well, such as a ban of Christianity and issuance of "Jiin Shohatto" (the regulations for Buddhist temples in the Edo period); 第二に農民統制(宗門改め)、及び宗教政策(切支丹禁令、寺院諸法度)がある。
seeing millions of offsprings of spiders rushing out from the monster's flank, Yorimitsu examined there and found about twenty more small skulls. さらに脇腹からは無数の子グモが飛び出したので、そこを探ると、さらに約20個の小さな髑髏があったという。
seishu for which no heating or pasteurization has been conducted 製成後、加熱処理もしくは火入れを一度もしない清酒。
seishu stored in a wooden cask and having a lingering fragrance (including those rebottled to bottle or other container). 木製の樽で貯蔵し、香りのついた清酒(瓶その他の容器に詰め替えたものを含む)。
seishu stored without pasteurization after production and pasteurized just before carrying out from the production site 製成後、火入れをしないで貯蔵し、製造場から移出する際に火入れした清酒。
seishu which, after brewing in wintertime, has matured in a cool brewery during spring and summer and bottled and shipped in autumn when the air temperature becomes low 冬季に醸造した後に春・夏の間涼しい酒蔵で熟成させ、気温の下がる秋に瓶詰めし出荷された清酒。
sesongaissin' - 「世尊我一心」
set + in > settin setin > settin せつ+いん→せっちん(雪隠)
setsugo (pseudonym using the character, 雪) 雪号
setto (a sword given by the emperor in the symbol of his trust to the appointment of someone to a mission) 節刀
shaved ice (flavored with syrup) - ice cream - Hiyashi chuka (cold noodle which is topped with egg, roast pork, bean sprouts, tomato, and cucumber) - somen (Japanese vermicelli) - beer - watermelon かき氷 - アイスクリーム - 冷やし中華 - 素麺 - ビール - スイカ
she decided to decamp from the Toyotomi clan and left Kodaiin 豊臣氏を見限り高台院を見捨てたとする説
she was accused by Yododono of spying for the Edo bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) and escaped to Edo because she felt endangered. 淀殿より江戸幕府への内通の疑いをかけられ、身の危険を感じ江戸へ逃亡したという説
shichimi togarashi (a mixture of red cayenne pepper and other aromatic spices) 七味唐辛子
shiokara of cod (salted pacific cod): made by salting down the spawn of Gadidae (a family of fish including cod, haddock, whiting and pollack) until it is fermented. たらこの塩辛 タラの魚卵を発酵するまで塩蔵したもの。
shirabyoshi (literally, White rhythm) 白拍子
shirozake (Japanese sake) 白酒 (日本酒)
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