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and Governor of Etchu Province. 越中国。
and Kanfu (guard division). 監府。
and Koyasan-Shicchi-in Temple in Koya-cho, Ito-Gun, Wakayama Prefecture. また、和歌山県高野町の高野山悉地院。
and MINAMOTO no Tamenaka 源為仲
and Michiyuki, Tadamasa's retainer 忠正の郎等道行
and Shimousa Province 下総国。
and TAIRA no Yasuhiro 平安弘
and Zendo (613-681) wrote "Kammuryojukyosho (Kangyosho)," 善導(613年 - 681年)が『観無量寿経疏(観経疏)』を
and a transformation caused by a shift of the imperial line to Emperor Tenchi's from the reign of his father, Emperor Konin 父の光仁天皇の代から天智系に皇統が遷った事による一新
and at special autumn performance in October during the three days leading up to Health and Sports Day. 10月の体育の日までの3日間 秋の特別公開である。
and during the Ieshige TOKUGAWA, the ninth shogun era それに九代将軍徳川家重の代に
and for each there is a pocket-book version published by Chuokoron Shinsha), but it is said that each book includes significant fiction, and it is necessary to note that they significantly lack accuracy as historical materials.) いずれも中央公論新社から文庫版が出ている)に詳しいが、いずれもかなりの創作が入っているとされ史料的な正確さには非常に問題があることに留意する必要がある。
and go straight about 200 meters--along the way you'll cross under the overhead railway of the Sanin Main Line for the first time--and finally you'll arrive at Toei Movie Land. (ここで初めて山陰本線の高架をくぐる)約200mで到着することが出来る。
and in 1585 he moved to the town of Osaka Temman, built by Hideyoshi based on the layout of the inner precinct of the Ishiyama Hongan-ji Temple. 天正13年(1585年)に石山本願寺の寺内町をもとに秀吉が建設した大阪天満の町に転居。
and many others. など多数。
and moss coats its awe-inspiring side 神さびたその側面に苔が生(は)える日まで
and oshi (横死) means sudden or unforeseen, unreasonable, and unexpected death. 横死とは、思いがけない・予期しない、まともでない、不慮の死。
and others. など
and so forth など
and so on. - など
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