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a short piece within 61 characters - 61字ぐらいまでの短編
a structure with hottate bashira (earthfast post) 掘立柱建物1棟
a tomb of SAKANOUE no Tamuramaro 坂上田村麻呂の墓
a town formed around a castle - 城郭を中心に形成された町
a well made of stones 石組み井戸1基
a) Don't express your preference about what you eat. 一、食物の事につき一切好き嫌いを云うな。
a-vowels/a/ ア列 /a/
acquiring the skill of 蘭漢折衷型医術, After returned to Honjo in around 1827 from his travel to Kyoto City, Kawagoe City and other places to treat patients, he opened departments of internal treatment, surgery and ophthalmology. 蘭漢折衷型医術を自分のものとし、京都、川越市など治療の旅を続け、文政10年(1827年)頃、本庄に戻り、内科、外科、眼科を開業。
administration of important points in river traffic in Yamashiro Province at Katsura, Kizucho, Uji City, Kamo, and Yodo, and 桂・木津町・宇治市・賀茂・淀といった山城国の河川交通の要所の支配。
administration of the Court fief, court nobles, and deputies to collect tax, and so on, 皇室・公家領の支配と租税徴収の代行・諸作事。
administration of the tenryo in Yamashiro, Settsu, Kawachi, and Tanba Provinces. 山城国・摂津国・河内国・丹波国における天領支配。
adzuki bean 小豆
after fighting a fierce battle, Yorimitsu cut off the monster's head, and he found as many as 1990 heads of the dead in the monster's stomach; 激しい戦いの末に頼光がクモの首を刎ねると、その腹からは1990個もの死人の首が出てきた。
ai (interlude player): a servant to Kuronushi アイ:黒主の従者
although Yorimitsu suffered from the illness, he slashed at the monk with his noted "Hizamaru" sword, and the monk ran away; 頼光が病床にもかかわらず名刀・膝丸で斬りつけると、僧は逃げ去った。
amino acids/proteins アミノ酸・たんぱく質
an ayu (a sweetfish) - cicadas (chorus of cicadas) - Japanese dynastid beetle - firefly - mosquito (mosquito coil, kaya (mosquito net)) - register marks - goldfish アユ - セミ(蝉時雨) - カブトムシ - ホタル - カ(蚊取線香・蚊帳) - トンボ - 金魚
an end-of-year general cleaning - All Japan Inter-High School EKIDEN 大掃除 - 全国高校駅伝
an important cultural properties (designated by the government) 重要文化財(国指定)
and 4 sun in each direction or, 5 sun in each direction but the basic small target is 8 sun across so, size is by no means uniform. (約12cm - 24cm)四方の木製板を竹棹に挟み、「埒」から1杖前後(約2.3m)離れた所に立てる。
20 / 86. 21 -40
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