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t is unknown when this shrine was founded. 創立の年代は不詳である。
taburu > taberu たぶる(taburu)>たべる(taberu)
tachishu (extra) : Choshin (Emperor's servants) Costume: kazaori, kariginu, okuchi 立衆:朝臣 - 風折狩衣大口出立
tachishu (extra) : Kannyo (Emperor's female servants) Mask: mask of tsure Female Costume: tsuboori, okuchi, iro-iri 立衆:官女 - 連面/壷折大口女出立(紅入)
takoyaki (octopus dumplings) たこ焼き
tamemasu (a stone box for sewage to dwell) made of stones 石組み溜升遺構1基
tannin タンニン
tarutaru sauce (tartar sauce) タルタルソース
tecchu' (iron pole) 「鉄柱」
technical arts 工芸技術関係
ten + wau > tennau > tennou tenwau > tennau > てん+わう→てんなう→てんのう(天皇)
tenshu (castle tower), yagura (turret), mon (gate), hei (wall), umaya (stable), ishigaki (stone wall), dorui (earthwork), hori (moat) 天守、 櫓、門、塀、馬屋、石垣、土塁、堀
terminology 用語
the Adachi clan, who filled jobs like Akitajo-no-suke (provincial governor of Akita-jo castle in Dewa Province) and Mutsu no kami (the governor of Mutsu Province); 秋田城介や陸奥守などの職にも就いた安達氏
the Ancient Shinto 古神道
the Asai clan, Hidetsugu HASHIBA, Takatsugu KYOGOKU, Kuruwa (walls of a castle), stone wall 浅井氏羽柴秀次、京極高次曲輪、石垣
the Ashikaga clan, who, as the Toryo (the leading warrior) of the Minamoto clan, successfully filled Kyoto and large provincial governor posts such as the Jibu-no-taifu or Chief assistant to the Minister of the Ceremonies; 源氏の棟梁として治部大輔など京職や大国の国司を歴任した足利氏
the Battle of Miyakowan Bay - 宮古湾海戦
the Central Negotiation Committee 中央交渉会
the Chikaeshi no Tama (Jewel of Turning Back on the Road) 道返玉(ちかへしのたま)
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t is unknown when this shrine was founded. Translate Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス - NabetaJishoP Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス-