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it is considered that Fukagawaomi no mikoto, a son of Takekoro no mikoto, the kuni no miyatsuko of Ibaragi, was appointed as Umakuta no kuni no miyatsuko during the reign of Emperor Seimu. 成務天皇朝に茨城国造建許呂命の子の深河意弥命が馬来田国造になったという。
it is said that Yuzen-zome was welcomed by town people, who were then banned from using luxurious cloths and gold/silver leaf by Shashi kinshirei (Ordinance for prohibiting luxury), as a thing that satisfies their desire for charming clothing. 友禅染は折からの奢侈禁止令によって豪華な織物や金銀の摺箔が使えなくなった町人達の美服への欲求を満たすものとして歓迎されたという。
it is seen in Tanto (short swords) after the mid Muromachi period. 室町時代中期以後の短刀に見られる。
it is served as a snack on the international flights of Japan Air Lines. 日本航空の国際線機内でも酒肴として提供されている。
it originated from when, the fourth son of the Ashikaga clan Yoshitugu settled his home base at Kiranosho in Mikawa Province, the same as his older brother Osauji, and then he commenced calling himself, 'Kira.' 足利義氏の四男・義継が、兄長氏と同じく三河国吉良荘を本拠とし、「吉良」を名乗りとしたことに始まる。
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it is considered that Fukagawaomi no mikoto, a son of Takekoro no mikoto, the kuni no miyatsuko of Ibaragi, was appointed as Umakuta no kuni no miyatsuko during the reign of Emperor Seimu. Translate Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス - NabetaJishoP Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス-