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r |
R [アール] /(n) (1) R/r/(2) (math) radius/(3) (uk) curve/ ------- r [アール] /(n) (1) R/r/(2) (math) radius/(3) (uk) curve/ |
r [アール] |
/(n) (1) R/r/(2) (math) radius/(3) (uk) curve/ |
raayu |
ラー油 [ラーゆ] /(n) (uk) Chinese red chile oil (chile, chilli) (chi: layou)/raayu/ ------- 辣油 [らぜゆ] /(n) (uk) Chinese red chile oil (chile, chilli) (chi: layou)/raayu/ ------- 辣油 [らーゆ] /(n) (uk) Chinese red chile oil (chile, chilli) (chi: layou)/raayu/ |
rabbi |
ラビ /(n,adj-no) rabbi (heb:)/ ------- 律法学者 [りっぽうがくしゃ] /(n) (1) rabbi/(2) scribe (Biblical)/ |
rabbit |
ウサギ /(n) (uk) rabbit/hare/coney/cony/lagomorph (esp. leporids)/ ------- ラビット /(n) rabbit/ ------- 兎 [うさぎ] /(n) (uk) rabbit/hare/coney/cony/lagomorph (esp. leporids)/(P)/ ------- 菟 [うさぎ] /(iK) (n) (uk) rabbit/hare/coney/cony/lagomorph (esp. leporids)/ ------- 兔 [うさぎ] /(n) (uk) rabbit/hare/coney/cony/lagomorph (esp. leporids)/ |
rabbit fever |
野兎病 [やとびょう] /(n) rabbit fever/tularemia (tularaemia)/ |
rabbit fish |
カイブツギンザメ /(n) rabbit fish (Chimaera monstrosa)/ ------- ラビットフィッシュ /(n) rabbit fish (Chimaera monstrosa)/ |
rabbit horns |
兎角 [とかく] /(adv,adj-no,n,vs) (1) (doing) various things/(doing) this and that/(2) being apt to/being prone to/tending to become/(3) somehow or other/anyhow/anyway/(4) (Buddh) rabbit horns (used as a metaphor for things that do not exist)/(P)/ |
rabbit hunting |
兎狩り [うさぎがり] /(n) rabbit hunting/ |
rabbit hutch |
兎小屋 [うさぎごや] /(n) rabbit hutch/ |
rabbit jumping |
ウサギ跳び [ウサギとび] /(n,vs) jumping along in a squatting position/rabbit jumping/ ------- 兎跳び [うさぎとび] /(n,vs) jumping along in a squatting position/rabbit jumping/ |
rabbit meat |
兎肉 [とにく] /(n) rabbit meat/ |
rabbit punch |
ラビットパンチ /(n) rabbit punch/ |
rabbit-catching net |
兎網 [うさぎあみ] /(n) rabbit-catching net/ |
rabbitear iris |
カキツバタ /(n) (uk) rabbitear iris (Iris laevigata)/ ------- 燕子 [かきつばた] /(iK) (n) (uk) rabbitear iris (Iris laevigata)/ ------- 燕子花 [かきつばた] /(n) (uk) rabbitear iris (Iris laevigata)/ ------- 杜若 [かきつばた] /(n) (uk) rabbitear iris (Iris laevigata)/ |
rabbitface spinefoot |
ハナアイゴ /(n) streamlined spinefoot (Siganus argenteus, species of Indo-Pacific rabbitfish)/Roman-nose spinefoot/forktail rabbitfish/rabbitface spinefoot/ |
rabbitfish |
アイゴ属 [アイゴぞく] /(n) Siganus (genus of perciform fishes in the family Siganidae)/rabbitfish/spinefoot/foxface/ |
rabble |
有象無象 [うぞうむぞう] /(n) mob/the masses/rabble/riffraff/ |
rabid dog |
病犬 [やまいぬ] /(n) bad dog/rabid dog/ |
rabies |
狂犬病 [きょうけんびょう] /(n) rabies/hydrophobia/ |
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