Word |
Translate |
j |
J [ジェー] /(n) J/j/ ------- j [ジェー] /(n) J/j/ |
j [ジェー] |
/(n) J/j/ |
jab |
ジャブ /(n) jab (esp. in boxing)/(P)/ |
jabber |
ジャバ /(n) (comp) Java/jabber/ ------- ジャバー /(n) (comp) jabber/ ------- 超過送信 [ちょうかそうしん] /(n) (comp) jabber/ |
jabber control |
ジャバ制御 [ジャバせいぎょ] /(n) (comp) jabber control/ ------- 超過送信制御 [ちょうかそうしんせいぎょ] /(n) (comp) jabber control/ |
jabbering |
口性無い [くちさがない] /(adj-i) gossipy/abusive/critical/jabbering/ ------- 口さがない [くちさがない] /(adj-i) gossipy/abusive/critical/jabbering/ ------- 口性ない [くちさがない] /(adj-i) gossipy/abusive/critical/jabbering/ |
jacinth |
青玉 [せいぎょく] /(n) sapphire/jacinth/ |
jack |
ジャッキ /(n) jack/(P)/ ------- ジャック /(n) jack/(P)/ ------- 万力 [まんりき] /(n) vise/jack/capstan/ |
jack mackerel |
アジ /(n) (uk) horse mackerel (Carangidae spp., esp. the Japanese horse mackerel, Trachurus japonicus)/jack mackerel/pompano/scad/ ------- 鯵 [あじ] /(n) (uk) horse mackerel (Carangidae spp., esp. the Japanese horse mackerel, Trachurus japonicus)/jack mackerel/pompano/scad/(P)/ ------- 鰺 [あじ] /(n) (uk) horse mackerel (Carangidae spp., esp. the Japanese horse mackerel, Trachurus japonicus)/jack mackerel/pompano/scad/ |
jack o'lantern |
ジャック・オ・ランターン /(n) jack-o'-lantern/jack o'lantern/ ------- ジャックオランターン /(n) jack-o'-lantern/jack o'lantern/ ------- ジャックランタン /(n) jack-o'-lantern/jack o'lantern/ |
jack of all trades |
多芸は無芸 [たげいはむげい] /(exp) being multi-talented means never really being especially good at any one thing/jack of all trades, master of none/ |
jack-in-a-box |
びっくり箱 [びっくりばこ] /(n) jack-in-the-box/jack-in-a-box/ |
jack-in-the-box |
びっくり箱 [びっくりばこ] /(n) jack-in-the-box/jack-in-a-box/ |
jack-in-the-pulpit |
テンナンショウ /(n) (uk) jack-in-the-pulpit/cobra lily (plant of genus Arisaema)/ ------- 天南星 [てんなんしょう] /(n) (uk) jack-in-the-pulpit/cobra lily (plant of genus Arisaema)/ |
jack-knife |
ジャックナイフ /(n) jack-knife/ |
jack-o'-lantern |
ジャックオランターン /(n) jack-o'-lantern/jack o'lantern/ ------- ジャックランタン /(n) jack-o'-lantern/jack o'lantern/ ------- ジャック・オ・ランターン /(n) jack-o'-lantern/jack o'lantern/ ------- 鬼火 [おにび] /(n) will-o'-the-wisp/jack-o'-lantern/ |
jackal |
ジャッカル /(n) jackal (carnivores, Canis aureus ssp., C. adustus, C. mesomelas)/ |
jackanapes |
小職 [こじょく] /(n) (1) (arch) girl-in-training (e.g. a geisha-in-training or a girl who performs miscellaneous tasks in a brothel)/(2) (arch) (derog) brat/scamp/rascal/jackanapes/(3) (arch) disciple/apprentice/ ------- 小童 [こじょく] /(n) (1) (arch) girl-in-training (e.g. a geisha-in-training or a girl who performs miscellaneous tasks in a brothel)/(2) (arch) (derog) brat/scamp/rascal/jackanapes/(3) (arch) disciple/apprentice/ |
jackass penguin |
ケープペンギン /(n) Cape penguin/African penguin/blackfooted penguin/jackass penguin (Spheniscus demersus)/ |
jacket |
ウインドブレーカー /(n) windbreaker/jacket/ ------- ウィンドブレーカー /(n) windbreaker/jacket/ ------- ジャケツ /(n) (1) jacket/(2) book jacket/dust cover/ ------- ジャンパー /(n) jacket/jumper/(P)/ ------- ジャケット /(n) (1) jacket/(2) book jacket/dust cover/(P)/ ------- ダストカバー /(n) (comp) jacket/book jacket/dust cover/ ------- ヤッケ /(n) jacket (ger: Jacke)/ ------- 上衣 [じょうい] /(n,adj-no) coat/tunic/jacket/outer garment/ ------- 上表紙 [うわびょうし] /(n) cover/front cover/wrapper/jacket/ ------- 上衣 [うわぎ] /(n,adj-no) coat/tunic/jacket/outer garment/ ------- 上着 [うわぎ] /(n,adj-no) coat/tunic/jacket/outer garment/(P)/ ------- 表着 [うわぎ] /(n,adj-no) coat/tunic/jacket/outer garment/ |
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