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f |
F [エフ] /(n) F/f/ ------- f [エフ] /(n) F/f/ |
f [エフ] |
/(n) F/f/ |
f-number |
Fナンバー [エフナンバー] /(n) f-number (photography)/ |
fa |
ファ /(n) fa/fah/4th note in the tonic solfa representation of the diatonic scale/ |
fable |
たとえ話 [たとえばなし] /(n) allegory/fable/parable/ ------- フェーブル /(n) fable/ ------- 寓話 [ぐうわ] /(n,adj-no) fable/allegory/ ------- 寓言 [ぐうげん] /(n) allegory/fable/ ------- 作り話 [つくりばなし] /(n) fiction/made-up story/fable/fabrication/myth/(P)/ ------- 譬え話 [たとえばなし] /(n) allegory/fable/parable/ ------- 譬話 [たとえばなし] /(n) allegory/fable/parable/ |
fabled |
伝説上 [でんせつじょう] /(adj-no) legendary/fabled/fabulous/ |
fabless |
ファブレス /(n) fabless (wasei: fabless)/without fabrication facilities (esp. a semiconductor company that does not own a factory)/ |
fabric |
テックス /(n) (1) soft fiberboard/soft fibreboard/(2) cloth/fabric/material/(3) tex/unit of linear mass density of fibres/(P)/ ------- ファブリック /(n) fabric/ ------- 織り地 [おりじ] /(n,adj-no) (1) texture/(2) fabric/ ------- 織物 [おりもの] /(n) textile/fabric/(P)/ ------- 織地 [おりじ] /(n,adj-no) (1) texture/(2) fabric/ ------- 切れ地 [きれじ] /(n) cloth/fabric/ ------- 切地 [きれじ] /(n) cloth/fabric/ ------- 段物 [たんもの] /(n) (1) fabric/cloth/textiles/drapery/dry-goods/piece goods/(2) measure of kimono material/ ------- 地 [じ] /(n) (1) (abbr) ground/land/earth/soil/(2) the region in question/the local area/(3) skin/(4) texture/fabric/material/weave/(5) base/background/(6) one's true nature/(7) narrative (i.e. descriptive part of a story)/(8) real life/actuality/(9) (in the game of go) captured territory/(10) noh chorus/(11) (in Japanese dance) accompaniment music/(12) (in Japanese music) basic phrase (usu. repetitive)/(13) base part (of multiple shamisens)/ ------- 反物 [たんもの] /(n) (1) fabric/cloth/textiles/drapery/dry-goods/piece goods/(2) measure of kimono material/ ------- 布地 [ぬのじ] /(n) cloth/fabric/ ------- 布帛 [ふはく] /(n) fabric/cloth/ ------- 布地 [きれじ] /(n) cloth/fabric/(P)/ ------- 裂地 [きれじ] /(n) cloth/fabric/ |
fabric backed wooden floor covering |
ウッドカーペット /(n) wood carpet/fabric (or linoleum) backed wooden floor covering/ |
fabric colored in such a manner |
摺り染め [すりぞめ] /(n) (1) (obsc) method of patterning fabric by pounding on leaves (or flowers, etc.) placed on it, or by rubbing in dye made from these materials/(2) coloring fabric by placing a paper stencil over it and brushing on the dye/fabric colored in such a manner/ ------- 摺染 [すりぞめ] /(n) (1) (obsc) method of patterning fabric by pounding on leaves (or flowers, etc.) placed on it, or by rubbing in dye made from these materials/(2) coloring fabric by placing a paper stencil over it and brushing on the dye/fabric colored in such a manner/ ------- 摺り染 [すりぞめ] /(n) (1) (obsc) method of patterning fabric by pounding on leaves (or flowers, etc.) placed on it, or by rubbing in dye made from these materials/(2) coloring fabric by placing a paper stencil over it and brushing on the dye/fabric colored in such a manner/ ------- 摺り込み染め [すりこみぞめ] /(n) (obsc) coloring fabric by placing a paper stencil over it and brushing on the dye/fabric colored in such a manner/ ------- 摺込染 [すりこみぞめ] /(n) (obsc) coloring fabric by placing a paper stencil over it and brushing on the dye/fabric colored in such a manner/ ------- 摺り込み染 [すりこみぞめ] /(n) (obsc) coloring fabric by placing a paper stencil over it and brushing on the dye/fabric colored in such a manner/ |
fabric conditioner |
柔軟剤 [じゅうなんざい] /(n) fabric softener/fabric conditioner/ ------- 柔軟材 [じゅうなんざい] /(n) fabric softener/fabric conditioner/ |
fabric dyed |
地無し [じなし] /(n) fabric dyed, embroided or impressed so that the original fabric is completely covered/ |
fabric of human relationships |
人間模様 [にんげんもよう] /(n) fabric (pattern) of human relationships/ |
fabric pattern |
大海 [おおうみ] /(n) (1) ocean/large sea/(2) fabric pattern/ |
fabric shaku |
呉服尺 [ごふくじゃく] /(n) (obs) fabric shaku (approx. 36.4 cm)/ |
fabric softener |
柔軟剤 [じゅうなんざい] /(n) fabric softener/fabric conditioner/ ------- 柔軟材 [じゅうなんざい] /(n) fabric softener/fabric conditioner/ ------- 柔軟仕上げ剤 [じゅうなんしあげざい] /(n) fabric softener/ |
fabric with a brocade and embroidery |
錦綉 [きんしゅう] /(n) (1) fabric with a brocade and embroidery/beautiful fabric/beautiful clothes/(2) beautiful poem/beautiful wording/(3) beautiful autumn leaves/beautiful flowers/ ------- 錦繍 [きんしゅう] /(n) (1) fabric with a brocade and embroidery/beautiful fabric/beautiful clothes/(2) beautiful poem/beautiful wording/(3) beautiful autumn leaves/beautiful flowers/ |
fabricated dream |
空夢 [そらゆめ] /(n) fabricated dream/ |
fabricated story |
捏造記事 [ねつぞうきじ] /(n) fabricated story/cooked up (news) report/ |
fabrication |
でっち上げ [でっちあげ] /(n) (uk) fabrication/put-up job/trumped-up story/frame-up/hoax/ ------- ねつ造 [ねつぞう] /(n,vs) fabrication/forgery/falsehood/hoax/ ------- 絵空言 [えそらごと] /(iK) (n) fabrication/pipe dream/ ------- 絵空事 [えそらごと] /(n) fabrication/pipe dream/ ------- 贋造 [がんぞう] /(n,vs) counterfeiting/forgery/fabrication/ ------- 偽り [いつわり] /(n,adj-no) lie/falsehood/fiction/fabrication/ ------- 偽造 [ぎぞう] /(n,vs,adj-no) forgery/falsification/fabrication/counterfeiting/(P)/ ------- 虚構 [きょこう] /(n) (1) fiction/fabrication/concoction/(adj-no) (2) fictitious/fictional/imaginary/(P)/ ------- 詐り [いつわり] /(n,adj-no) lie/falsehood/fiction/fabrication/ ------- 作り事 [つくりごと] /(n,adj-no) fabrication/lie/fiction/ ------- 作り話 [つくりばなし] /(n) fiction/made-up story/fable/fabrication/myth/(P)/ ------- 作り言 [つくりごと] /(n,adj-no) fabrication/lie/fiction/ ------- 作話 [さくわ] /(n,vs) confabulation/fabrication/ ------- 拵え事 [こしらえごと] /(n) invented story/fabrication/ ------- 捏ち上げ [でっちあげ] /(n) (uk) fabrication/put-up job/trumped-up story/frame-up/hoax/ ------- 捏造 [ねつぞう] /(n,vs) fabrication/forgery/falsehood/hoax/ ------- 譎詐 [きっさ] /(n) falsehood/fabrication/dissimulation/ ------- 譎詐 [けっさ] /(n) falsehood/fabrication/dissimulation/ |
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